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Results for "keyword: "Empathy", latest_content: 1"
According Animals Dignity In his column on The, Frank Bruni points out that we are in a new era where respect for animals is growing. The phrase "animal welfare" no longer does justice to what is going on. The ne…
A Prayer about Climate Change and Wildfires Creator of trees, fire, wind, and warmth, You have given us the capacity to feel deep compassion for places and beings affected by wildfires. In 2012, Colorado suffered from a record-breaking wildfi…
A Prayer to Hear the Cries of the World On Monday, April 3, 2017, Lion's Roar: Buddhist Wisdom for Our Time posted "Stand Against Suffering: An Unprecedented Call to Action by Buddhist Teachers," a call for Buddhists and all people of fai…
"C" Is for Compassion “Through compassion, we conquer the numbness and the daze which keeps us closed off from the messes and miseries of the world.” — Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat, Spiritual Literacy Th…
A Leap of Faith Music Lyrics It takes a leap of faith to get things going It takes a leap of faith you gotta show some guts It takes a leap of faith to get things going In your heart you must trust — Bruce…
Isolated Diversity Written by: Olga Phaedra Pouppis In the Cypriot culture I have grown up in, “community” is perhaps one of the most important concepts.
The Languages of Love Catholic Wisdom Love and joy exist properly in God. They constitute the basis of all attraction — love is the origin and joy is the end result. — Thomas Aquinas in Sheer Joy by Matthew Fox
A Prayer for Victims and Families of Earthquakes in Iran Two earthquakes in northwest Iran on Saturday, August 11, 2012, have killed 300 people and injured 2,600 more, according to reports from Reuters and other news agencies. The first quake registere…
A Prayer for Suicide Victims Newspapers, magazines, and television reports deliver the story of another suicide: a famous filmmaker leaps to his death off a bridge, a college student exposed by classmates as being gay takes his…
A Prayer for Victims of the Japanese Earthquake and the Pacific Tsunami A massive 8.9 magnitude earthquake hit the Pacific Ocean nearby Northeastern Japan at around 2:46 pm on March 11 (JST) causing damage with blackouts, fires, building collapses, and much more. The nu…